2 1 Payout

Payout — pay‧out ˈpeɪ aʊt noun countable 1. FINANCE a large sum of money, given to someone for the work they have done:. an increase in commission. 1.2.1 Translations. An amount of money paid out. The maximum payout from this fruit machine is £20.


Prove That 2-1

payout.extPayoutIdno External payout identifier assigned by the customer. The customer can order only one payout per specified external ID. A unique extPayoutId is required for payouts within the same store
payout.amountyesPayout amount
payout.descriptionnoPayout description
payout.foreignThe flag is not set by defaultFlag defining foreign payouts
payout.postalOrderThe flag is not set by default Flag defining if the payout is a postal order. Setting this flag forces filling in of address fields and removes the obligation to fill in account number field
account.accountNumberOptional field for the postalOrder flag set. In other cases it is not required Bank account numer field. Required formats for foreign transfers:
  • Polish accounts: NRB, IBAN
  • Czech accounts: IBAN, internal in form of: ([0-9]{1,6}[ -])?[0-9]{2,10}[ /][0-9]{4})
For domestic transfers there are currently no restrictions as to formatting
account.bankNameField required for payouts to foreign accounts (foreign flag set). In other cases it is not required Bank name
account.swiftCodeField required for payouts to foreign accounts (foreign flag set). In other cases it is not required Bank SWIFT code
customerAddress.streetField required for:
  • payouts to foreign accounts (foreign flag set)
  • postal order transfers (postalOrder flag set)
Address data of the payout recipient
customerAddress.postalCode Field required for postal order transfers (postalOrder flag set). In other cases it is not required Address data of the payout recipient
customerAddress.cityField required for:
  • payouts to foreign accounts (foreign flag set)
  • postal order transfers (postalOrder flag set)
Address data of the payout recipient
customerAddress.countryCodeField required for payouts to foreign accounts (foreign flag set). In other cases it is not required Address data of the payout recipient
customerAddress.nameyes Address data of the payout recipient
bankAddress.streetField required for payouts to foreign accounts (foreign flag set). In other cases it is not required Bank address data
bankAddress.postalCodeOptional field. If known, it should be given for payouts to foreign accounts (foreign flag set) Bank address data
bankAddress.cityField required for payouts to foreign accounts (foreign flag set). In other cases it is not required Bank address data
bankAddress.countryCodeField required for payouts to foreign accounts (foreign flag set). In other cases it is not required Bank address data